Stop Xenophobia, South Africa

I can't stand idly by and read more stories about loadshedding, while my fellow South Africans are shedding the lives of enterprising foreigners.
As a white South African, I know what it's like to be discriminated against. I also know what it's like to have to feel like a target for criminals because of something completely beyond my control.
Unlike some white South Africans, however, who are only too relieved that the 'swart gevaar' is focused on something other than land redistribution of white South Africans (thanks for nothing, EFF), this spate of xenophobia severely disturbs me.
My wife is a foreigner. She's not 'taking the job' of another South African any more than I am, by being employed legally. Nor are all the apparent victims of these senseless and despicable attacks, who are self-employed entrepreneurs who've faced far greater hardships than the desperate people who are now trying to simply take what foreigners have built up.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here. I just hope that we can all, in our own way, do what we can to spread a strong message that xenophobia is NOT ok; it is NOT funny; and it shouldn't be something to only be used by racists of all colours to say 'I told you so, look at this bunch of blood-thirsty hooligans'.
To the foreigners feeling even more isolated than ever in a foreign land, my apology here on behalf of those targeting you would be meaningless. All I can offer is my word that not all South Africans feel like those persecuting you do, and we appreciate that you're just trying to work towards a better life for yourself however you can ... just like we all are, ultimately.
I call on the ANC Government to speak out against xenophobia in a clear way that these agitators will understand, at at the grass roots levels in local communities that the ANC has structures in. It is perfectly ok to disagree with your very own electorate, and until you are brave enough to make unpopular decisions with your own supporters you're not going to be deserving of the leadership positions they have elected you to.
When the rage is turned away from us, maybe fellow South Africans can see more clearly that it's not hatred that drives racism ... it's fear and anger, willing to hit out and anybody and anything which is painted as The Other. Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's foreigners, sometimes it is women in miniskirts.
Let's take the one truth that is constructive away from the xenophobic violence - South Africa's citizens are lost and in need of leadership - and start introducing positive leadership into our own lives rather than just reacting mindlessly with fear and anger as well.


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